Our Services

Book your appointment today to experience our premium health services. Our expert team is dedicated to providing personalized care and ensuring your well-being with comprehensive evaluations and treatments.

Psychiatric Eval & Consultation


50 minute initial consultation with one of our mental health physician/NP. Experts in Ketamine and other treatments for mental health including supplements and herbal treatments to improve mood, attention and concentration, energy, and overall well being.


15 minute follow-up appointments for expert management.


2 hour Ketamine Treatment/2 hour KAP

Weight & Nutrition


40 minute consultation with our weight loss and nutrition physican. Receive a custom plan tailored to your individual needs which may include supplements, weight loss medications including GLP-1 peptides, other weight loss promoting peptides, herbals that help balance hormones and stress which increase cortisol levels that inhibit natural weight loss.


15 minute follow-up appointment to monitor progress and adjust individual plans for success.


GLP-1 administration with In-body scan.

Hormone Therapy & Vitality


40 minute consult on hormone replacement therapy and/or natural supplements that boost your own natural hormones. Treatments may including Testosterone, HCG, bio-identical hormones to help with energy, libido, strength, sleep and mood. Supplements and herbals that help with stress reduction and longevity. Individualized plans with laboratory monitoring to achieve adequate levels for optimal health.


15 minute follow-up appointments to monitor progress.


Administration of Injectable hormone treatments.

Schedule a consultation